New Moon

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Inspiring Quotes

I have been reading a lot of the General Conference talks and a more of an uplifting book and have had a lot of great quotes really pop out at me.  I thought I would share:

"Every one of us is more beloved to the Lord Than we can possibly  understand or imagine.  Let us therefore be kinder to one another and kinder toward ourselves..."
-Elder Robert D. Hales
With the media controlling our society I think this is a beautiful reminder to all of us. 

"The purpose of life is to discover your gift.  The meaning of life is to give your gift away."
-David Viscott

"I don't know what your destiny will be, but this I know: the only ones among you who will be truly  happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve."
-Albert Scheweitzer, humanitarian.

Service, service, service.  Something that I always say I am going to do, but never actually get around to doing.  This is an amazing time of the year to be looking for people to serve and start the habit of it and continue on through the next year. 

Monday, December 19, 2011

Catching Up

So much has happened in the past 3 months, I don't even know where to start.  A lot of big events, a lot of birthdays, a lot of parties and many, many cupcakes and dinners were made.  I will try to cover it all, but there are too many pictures so this post will probably be lacking in that area.

One of the biggest things that have happened was my little brother, Nick, left on his mission on October 26th.  He spent 3 weeks in the Provo MTC then went to the MTC in Peru and is currently still there.  He absolutely loves the mission so far, but the language is frustrating, as we all knew it would be.  He has been companions with my cousin, Reggie, since day 1.  They were companions in Provo, companions in Peru, and when all of the companins switched around, they stayed the same!  The mission president said that the spirit that is with those two being together is one of the strongest he has felt.  That is really amazing and comforting to hear.  So he is doing great!

Next, on Halloween Brady and I threw a Chicago Caper Murder Mystery dinner!  It was actually pretty difficult to remember all of the facts, but everyone dressed their parts and we had a great time.  It is always fun to spend time with our great friends.

Oh also, I can't forget our other halloween costumes...

Brady had a birthday at the beginning of November, he is now 27!  His family came into town to be with him so that was a lot of fun.  We went to Rodizio Grill, and again we got to spend another great night playing games with our friends.  We are very lucky!

Also in  November, my dearest friend Brooke Hansen married the love of her life, Daniel Beaudoin!  I think that is how you spell it...sorry if it is wrong!  They both looked amazing, it was such a wonderful night to be able to show our love and support for their lifetime together.  I am so happy for that perfect couple.

Just a couple of weeks ago Brady sold his first company!!!  Wooooo!!  He has worked so hard starting this and keeping it going, now finally it all paid off.  I am so proud of him for all of the effort he has put into it and am excited to see where he goes next.  This is him signing the congract.

Just last week I finally finished my finals!  I absolutely love school, but I was so burnt out.  It ended well though, I will miss my Cohort of Women though! (The group of fantastic ladies who I have all of my classes with).

And now time to relax and enjoy the holidays.  Wow I just realized that this update sounds a lot like those updates that families send with their christmas cards each year...oops!  Thats okay, now that I am caught up I won't have to do it again.

This shouldn't be my last post before Christmas, but for some reason it is, Merry Christmas!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Welcome Back

I'm baaaaaack! 

Sorry I was MIA all semester, school was crazy.  But guess what?!  I AM ALL DONE!  Can I get a 'woot woot'?  Thanks guys.

Well I just finished my last final yesterday, and I am done with the semester, and hopefully I passed my math class!  Just so you know it wasn't all of my schooling that kept me away from this blog, it was that math class...Okay no more hard feelings towards math, unless I find out I didn't pass, then we will go from there.

Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and let you know there will be many more blog posts to follow.